Extra Sugar is so Sweet
Extra Sugar is so Sweet, but acts like a slow poison! An excess of sweetened foods and beverages can lead to weight gain, blood sugar

Plan to lower your Blood Pressure.
If you’re like most people with high blood pressure, drugs are a major part of your plan to lower your blood pressure. Take medications as

Heart Failure
Heart failure is a serious, long-term (chronic) condition. The most common conditions that can lead to heart failure are coronary artery disease, high blood pressure,

Symptoms Of Malaria
Malaria is a life-threatening disease transmitted through the bite of an infected Anopheles mosquito. The most distinctive symptom of malaria is fever. Other common symptoms include

Junk Food And Concentrate
Depression and diet may be related. Eating junk food has a negative effect on mental health, making those who consume it regularly feel depressed. A

Side Effects Of Antibiotics
Antibiotics are powerful medicines that fight certain infections and can save lives when used properly. A doctor prescribes antibiotics for the treatment of a bacterial